John Walk


Fusion Primer



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Doctoral Dissertation

J.R. Walk. Pedestal Structure and Stability in High-Performance Plasmas on Alcator C-Mod. Sc.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014.

Selected Publications

  1. J.R. Walk, J.W. Hughes, A.E. Hubbard, J.L. Terry, D.G. Whyte, A.E. White, S.G. Baek, M.L. Reinke, C. Theiler, R.M. Churchill, J.E. Rice, P.B. Snyder, T. Osborne, A. Dominguez, and I. Cziegler. Edge-localized mode avoidance and pedestal structure in I-mode plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, (21)5:056103, 2014.

  2. A. Diallo, J.W. Hughes, M. Greenwald, B. LaBombard, E. Davis, S.G. Baek, C. Theiler, P. Snyder, J. Canik, J.R. Walk, T. Golfinopoulos, J. Terry, R.M. Churchill, A. Hubbard, M. Porkolab, L. Delgado-Aparicio, M.L. Reinke, A. White, and the Alcator C-Mod Team. Observation of edge instability limiting the pedestal growth in tokamak plasmas. Physical Review Letters, 112:115001, 2014.

  3. M.A. Chilenski, I.C. Faust, and J.R. Walk. Eqtools: extensible, open-source, cross-machine Python tools for working with magnetic equilibria. Computer Physics Communications, 210:155-162, 2017.

  4. J.W. Hughes, P.B. Snyder, J.R. Walk, E.M. Davis, A. Diallo, B. LaBombard, S.G. Baek, R.M. Churchill, M. Greenwald, R.J. Groebner, A.E. Hubbard, B. Lipschultz, E.S. Marmar, T. Osborne, M.L. Reinke, J.E. Rice, C. Theiler, J. Terry, A.E. White, D.G. Whyte, S. Wolfe, and X.Q. Xu. Pedestal structure and stability in H-mode and I-mode: a comparative study on Alcator C-Mod. Nuclear Fusion, 53(4):043016, 2013.

  5. J.R. Walk, P.B. Snyder, J.W. Hughes, J.L. Terry, A.E. Hubbard, and P.E. Phillips. Characterization of the pedestal in Alcator C-Mod ELMing H-modes and comparison with the EPED model. Nuclear Fusion, 52(6):063011, 2012.

  6. A. Hubbard, E. Marmar, S. Baek, I. Cziegler, A. Dominguez, M. Greenwald, N. Howard, J. Hughes, B. LaBombard, Y. Lin, B. Lipschultz, M. Reinke, J. Rice, P. Snyder, D. Terry, C. Theiler, A. White, J. Walk, D. Whyte, S. Wukitch, and the Alcator C-Mod Group. Progress in performance and understanding of steady ELM-free I-modes on Alcator C-Mod. In Proceedings of the 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, EX/1-3, 2012.

Please see my Google Scholar page and Research Gate for a full list of publications.